Cougar Connect: December 2024
As we enter December, I want to wish our Clyde Hill families all of the best as we enter the winter holiday season and a Happy New Year when we reach the end of this month!
Before we get to Winter Break, we do have many updates to share!
If you are following the news from the Bellevue School District, one of the key topics for our school district is budget. At both the district and school level we are needing to reduce spending. At Clyde Hill, our school budget was reduced by 30% compared to previous years and our carryover from last year is currently frozen. We are being judicious in our spending asking if a purchase is necessary to support student learning or student/staff safety or is it something that would simply be nice to have. The "nice to have" items are those we are placing on wish lists and saving for a later date. We are also working to make sure we are utilizing all of our resources within the building wisely and accounting for all of the resources we have.
We are appreciative of the support we have received from our community - we truly feel fortunate that we are situated in a community where our PTA is able to provide additional supports and funding that allow us to have some of the "nice to have" items from our wish lists and are able to support opportunities that enhance our curriculum. We cannot say thank you enough!
The following are several updates from Clyde Hill's Office:
Private School Applications
Its that time of year when Private School Applications are coming due. If your family is completing a private school application, please visit the district Private School Application site:
When delegating Administrator forms from Ravenna, please delegate them to
Travel Time
With the holidays approaching, travel plans are in full swing. Always notify the office of any student absences, late arrivals, or early pick ups by either calling our attendance hotline at 425-456-5002, or by emailing
If your family is travelling for 3 or more school days, you must complete a Pre-Arranged Absence Form, available in the office, and return to the office at least 5 school days before your absence. Failure to do so may result in unexcused absences for your student.
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found is overflowing with jackets, water bottles, and many other items. Please make sure to check the Lost and Found for any missing items. All remaining items will be donated on December 20 as we go into Winter Break.
If student’s names are on the items, we work to get those items back to the students. Remember to label your student’s jackets to ensure return if lost at school.
The following are two key dates and time frames that we want families to be aware of as well.
Kindergarten Information Night
When: Tuesday, January 7th, 6:00-7:00 PM
Where: Clyde Hill Elementary Library
Who: Parents/Guardians of Incoming Kindergarten Students
This evening is for the parents/guardians of incoming Kindergarten students at Clyde Hill Elementary School. During our hour together we will share about the typical kindergarten day and year, the services and supports offered at kindergarten, and the kindergarten registration process including the early entrance process. We will also share information about how to apply to attend a school outside of your attendance area. We will end our time together with a tour our kindergarten cluster of classrooms.
Open Transfer Window
While we never want to lose our students who live in the Clyde Hill attendance area to other schools, we understand that for various reasons, families need to attend other schools in our district. To apply to attend another school outside of the attendance area in which you live requires a transfer. Applying for a transfer happens during a small window of time. After that, requests go to the end of what is usually a very long waiting list. If you are looking to transfer schools, do not miss this window! All the information you need about transfers can be found on:
The Open Transfer window begins on December 9th 2024 at 9 AM and closes on January 17th 2025 at 4 PM.
District News and Resources
Open Houses and Open Transfer, Choice Schools and Language Programs Application Period
The Open Transfer, Choice Schools and Language Programs application period for the 2025-2026 school year opens on Monday, December 9, 2024. Students and families are invited to learn more about Bellevue School District schools and programs during upcoming open houses and information events.
· Each school will host an open house during the Open Transfer and Choice School/Program application period.
· Upcoming Open House Dates for the next two weeks:
o December 10, 2024 – Lake Hills Open House, 8:15 – 9:15 a.m.
o December 10, 2024 – Cherry Crest Elementary Open House, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
o December 11, 2024 – Tyee Middle School Open House, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
o December 11, 2024 – Big Picture High School Open House, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
o December 12, 2024 – Big Picture Middle School Open House, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
o December 16, 2024 – Jing Mei Elementary Open House, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
o December 17, 2024 – Stevenson Elementary Open House, 8:15 - 9:15 a.m.
For all open house and information session dates, times and locations please view the Open Houses webpage.
Attendance Tips
For kids (and adults!), returning to school or a regular schedule is hard following a break. Yet, there are some things that parents can do to help ease their child's transition. Before the first morning back (Monday January 6th), start planning for any triggers that might lead to a difficult return. Tips for sleep, travel, and emotional support are provided below.
SLEEP TIP: Sleep schedules often shift toward staying up and waking up later over breaks, which leads to problems getting to sleep at a reasonable time after break. Whenever possible, encourage your student to keep a consistent routine of going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. If this isn't realistic, do your best to slowly move up bed and wake times until your child is sleeping and waking at the desired times for school.
TRAVEL TIP: If your family has been away, plan to have at least one day at home for your student(s) to relax and recoup before their first day back at school.
EMOTIONAL SUPPORT TIP: It is common for kids to feel anxiety about returning to school. Parents can help their student work through these feelings by 1) Actively listening and validating the child's feelings of unease, 2) Reminding the child that it is completely normal to feel uncomfortable during times of transition, and 3) Reinforcing that as their parent, you have full confidence in their ability to handle the transition back to school."
Postponed: Test of BSD’s Emergency Communication System
This test has been postponed, due to the emergency communications for the recent power outages and school closures. However, families are encouraged to check their phone and text message histories and email inboxes to determine if they received the districtwide closure message shared with families November 20-24, 2024.
If you did not receive the emergency messages to your primary email and phone number on file in ParentVUE and the “Contact Allowed” box is checked, please contact Your email or phone number may be blocking BSD messages, or other technical issues could be occurring (including challenges due to widespread network outages caused by the storm).
If you did receive the emergency messages but would like to update your contact information, please complete online student data verification to update your record. If you need support accessing data verification, please reach out to your school’s office manager (elementary) or registrar (middle and high).
Receive additional tips for receiving district messages, including how to sign up for text message alerts.
December 13 Vaccine Clinic at Sammamish High School
We are excited to an upcoming Vaccine Clinics in partnership with Albertson’s to help keep our community healthy and safe! This event is open to all BSD students, staff, families and community members and will offer:
· Flu Vaccine
· COVID-19 Vaccine
· Tdap Vaccine (protection against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis or whooping cough).
Event Details
Date: Friday, December 13, 2024
Time: 4:00-9:00 p.m.
Location: Sammamish High School, Commons Area
Address: 100 140th Avenue SE, Bellevue, WA 98005
Other Things to Know
Please register in advance so Albertsons can anticipate how many vaccines to provide. Walk-in appointments will be available for flu and COVID-19, but registration is required for DTap and Tdap vaccines.
Most insurances are accepted. Participants must bring their insurance card to the event.
Getting vaccinated is a key step in protecting your family and our school community. Here’s why these vaccines are so important:
Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
Did you know that Washington state has seen a significant rise in whooping cough cases this year, with over 1,533 reported statewide as of November 27, 2024? Babies and young children are especially at risk, and the best way to protect them is by staying up to date with the Tdap vaccine. Whooping cough can cause severe coughing fits and even life-threatening breathing issues, especially in infants.
The DTaP and Tdap vaccines protect against three diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. The “P” in DTAP and Tdap stands for pertussis. These vaccines help your body build defenses to fight off whooping cough and prevent its spread to others.
Students attending Bellevue School District should have received a total of 5 doses of DTaP by the age of 4 or before starting kindergarten. Students should receive a Tdap booster before the start of 7th grade.
If you are not sure if your child is up to date on their required school vaccines, please contact your child’s medical provider or log into MyIR Mobile.
Flu and COVID-19
Flu and COVID-19 are more than just colds - they can cause serious illness, especially in children, older adults, and those with health conditions. The flu vaccine can reduce severe illness by 40-60%, while COVID-19 vaccines continue to lower the risk of serious symptoms.
Let’s work together to keep everyone healthy this winter.
As promised, this was a lengthier post. Even with a cyclone bomb and the Thanksgiving holiday, there were still quite a few updates to share! If you have any questions about this information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at Clyde Hill. We are happy to help!
In partnership,
Amy MacDonald
Principal, Clyde Hill Elementary School
Bellevue School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups.
The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
Civil Rights, Racial Discrimination, and Gender Expression or Identity Discrimination:Civil Rights/Nondiscrimination Compliance Coordinator Nancy Pham, 425-456-4040 or
Sex-based Discrimination, including Sexual Harassment:Title IX Coordinator: Jeff Lowell, 425-456-4010 or
Disability Discrimination:Section 504/ADA Coordinator: Karen Dejong, 425-456-4277 or
Mailing address for all three: 12111 NE 1st Street, Bellevue, WA 98005.